Capacity Building for Justice Actors in Kirehe: GBV Laws and Case Handling

Capacity Building for Justice Actors in Kirehe: GBV Laws and Case Handling

On October 1st, the Center for Justice and Advocacy  organized a specialized training in Kirehe, focusing on building capacity for justice actors in handling Sexual Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) cases. The session aimed at strengthening partnerships with Kirehe District in combating Sexual Gender Based violence. During the meeting the Vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs, Ms.Mukandayisenga Janviere, who pledged to collaborate closely with our pro bono lawyer stationed in Kirehe to ensure that victims receive timely legal and non-legal services.This collaboration targets a significant reduction in the number of SGBV victims by enhancing access to legal assistance for those affected.  

Representatives from essential national institutions, including the National Prosecution,Judiciary, Rwanda Investigation Bureau, and ISANGE One Stop Center, attended the event and commended Certa's ongoing contributions to combating GBV and most prticulary Sexual Gender Based Violence. The session’s success underscored the collective commitment to making justice more accessible to all victims.