Musanze district: Site Visit: Empowering Women and Teen Mothers with Disabilities Facing SGBV

Musanze district: Site Visit: Empowering Women and Teen Mothers with Disabilities Facing SGBV

On June 16th,2024. The Certa Foundation conducted an impactful site visit to their Musanze office headquarters, bringing together a distinguished group of individuals, including the Executive Director Florida Kabasinga, board members Andreas and Catherine, and key directors Lydia Taima and Isobel Acquah. The primary focus of the visit was to meet with women and teens with disabilities who have been victims of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and are part of the foundation's program dedicated to providing access to justice and strengthening justice actors in the Musanze District.

During the visit, the rights holders shared their experiences and remarkable milestones achieved since joining the program, highlighting the profound impact of the Certa Foundation's support. They expressed immense gratitude for the holistic package provided, which addresses their legal challenges and supports various other aspects of their lives.

Executive Director Florida Kabasinga emphasized the importance of this program in transforming the lives of SGBV victims, stating that , "Our goal is to ensure that these women and teen mothers  are not just survivors but thrivers. By providing legal assistance and fostering economic independence, we are helping them rebuild their lives with dignity and confidence."

The visit also emphasized the collaborative efforts of the Certa Foundation's team and their unwavering commitment to justice and empowerment. The Board member Catherine remarked, "Witnessing the resilience and progress of these individuals is truly inspiring. It reaffirms our dedication to expanding our reach and impact through Certa Foundation."

The success stories from Musanze district  serve as a testament to the effectiveness of the Certa Foundation's comprehensive approach to justice and empowerment. This visit was a powerful reminder of the positive change that can be achieved when a community comes together to support its most vulnerable members.