Research Fellowship Articles

Research Fellowship Articles

We are proud to announce the completion of our second cohort of CLI Research Fellows this month. Each fellow undertook a unique research journey within their specialized labs, culminating in insightful articles that contribute significantly to their fields of interest.

Berisimbi Consolée explored Rwanda's proactive climate initiatives in her article, "Rwanda's Climate Action Agenda: From Vulnerability to Resilience." Based in the Climate Justice Lab, she analyzed the impact of national and international efforts toward climate resilience, highlighting successes and ongoing challenges. Elvis Kwizera, from our ADR and Tech and Innovation Lab, addressed "Leveraging Technology to Address Prison Overpopulation in Rwanda." His research outlined how technological solutions can reform Rwanda's criminal justice system, offering comparisons with global practices. Kabatsi Joshua Arnold addressed  "AI and Data Protection: Protecting Data in the Development of AI in Africa” from his position in the Tech and Innovation, and Trade and Investment Lab. He examined the balance between AI advancement and data protection, advocating for robust governance to ensure privacy and equity.

These fellows have significantly advanced their legal and research expertise, offering novel solutions and perspectives on Climate Action, Technology and Innovation, and Artificial Intelligence. Their articles are available on the Certa Foundation website (see Resources). Their work not only enriches our understanding but also sets the stage for ongoing contributions to their fields. Congratulations to our fellows on their outstanding achievements!