State of AI Regulation in Africa: Trends and Developments

State of AI Regulation in Africa: Trends and Developments

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been described as a beacon of innovation that can improve industries and foster socio-economic growth across Africa.1Beyond merely overcoming developmental challenges, AI emerges as a driver of indigenous innovation, potentially significantly enhancing different sectors and boosting the continent'sGDP. Nevertheless, realising AI's full potential requires overcoming infrastructural, governance, and regulatory hurdles, among others, making the creation of tailored, ethical regulatory frameworks essential.

These frameworks aim to ensure AI's benefits are fully harnessed to align with the continent's unique needs and aspirations, promoting inclusive growth. Africa's journey towards AI regulation is marked by strategic efforts and governance measures at national and continental levels; from different national initiatives, the African Union's foundational steps to working towards a continental AI strategy illustrate the effort to shape a digital future that leverages AI for meaningful socio-economic advancement. Africa is gradually navigating the AI landscape, moving beyond outdated narratives of dependency to forge a future where AI is leveraged for inclusive growth and development. This report highlights the different efforts across the continent toward AI regulation, detailing the challenges and providing stakeholders with targeted recommendations for regulatory considerations.